Краткая инструкция — как пользоваться программой WinSCP

WinSCP – многофункциональный графический FTP-клиент, который поддерживает передачу данных через распространённые протоколы:

Бесплатно скачать WinSCP можно с официального сайта.

Технические характеристики

Операционная система: Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP.
Поддержка русского языка: Есть.
Технические требования: SSH-сервер с поддержкой SFTP/SCP / FTP-сервер / WebDAV-сервер.
Лицензия: Бесплатная.

Особенности программы WinSCP

Основной функционал WinSCP

О работе с основным функционалом далее будет кратко рассказано на примере ОС Windows 10. Для остальных операционных систем семейства Windows действия аналогичны.

Более развернутые инструкции о том, как пользоваться WinSCP можно найти в официальной документации программного продукта.

Добавление нового подключения

Подключиться к серверу через WinSCP можно по следующему алгоритму:

В случае успешного подключения в правом окне откроется директория сервера, что позволит начать работу с файлами.

Подключение к командной строке

Особенность WinSCP – встроенная командная строка, которая позволяет управлять удалённым сервером. Открыть консоль можно следующим способом:

Включение отображения скрытых файлов

Теперь программа будет отображать скрытые файлы полупрозрачным цветом.

Управление параметрами WinSCP

Все настройки программа WinSCP хранит в реестре.

Путь к настройкам в реестре для Windows 10: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Martin Prikryl/WinSCP 2.

WinSCP поддерживает экспорт/импорт параметров в файл INI (.ini). Это позволяет перенести настройки в программу WinSCP, установленную на другом устройстве или создать бэкап настроек для восстановления, в случае потери данных.

Экспорт параметров WinSCP

Импорт параметров WinSCP

Аналоги для Linux

Если требуется подключиться к серверу с операционной системы Linux, то вместо WinSCP можно рассмотреть альтернативные FTP-клиенты.



Операционная система: Linux, Windows, MacOS и др.
Поддерживаемые протоколы: FTP, FTPS, SFTP, FXP, WebDav, Amazon S3, Amazon Glacier, Microsoft Azure, Google Storage и OpenStack Swift.
Поддержка русского языка: Нет.
Лицензия: Бесплатная. Есть платная версия с расширенными возможностями.

CrossFTP отсутствует в официальных репозиториях Linux. Установка производится путём скачивания и запуска инсталлятора.


Операционная система: Linux, Windows, MacOS и др.
Поддерживаемые протоколы: FTP, SFTP, FTPS.
Поддержка русского языка: Есть.
Лицензия: Бесплатная.

Установка на Ubuntu/Debian из официальных репозиториев выполняется командой:

Установка на CentOS из Epel-репозиториев выполняется командами:

Инсталлятор FileZilla можно скачать с официальной страницы загрузок.


Операционная система: Linux, Windows, MacOS и др.
Поддерживаемые протоколы: FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SFTP, FSP, FTP, HTTP, FXP.
Поддержка русского языка: Есть.
Лицензия: Бесплатная.

Установка на Ubuntu/Debian из официальных репозиториев выполняется командой:

Установка в CentOS из Epel-репозиториев выполняется командами:

Сборки и исходный код программы GFTP можно найти на официальной странице GitHub.



Операционная система: Linux, Windows (Beta-стадия), MacOS и др.
Поддерживаемые протоколы: FTP, SAMBA, SFTP, SCP.
Поддержка русского языка: Есть.
Лицензия: Бесплатная.

Установка на Ubuntu/Debian из официальных репозиториев выполняется командой:

Установка в CentOS из Epel-репозиториев выполняется командами:

Сборки Krusader можно скачать с официальной страницы загрузок.


Возможности SFTP-клиента далеко не ограничиваются приведенными выше функциями. WinSCP способен не только безопасно передавать данные, но и работать в связке с SSH-клиентом Putty, а также редактировать файлы на сервере без загрузки на устройство, используя готовые скрипты.

Более развернутые инструкции о том, как пользоваться WinSCP можно найти в официальной документации программного продукта.

Winscp Error Code 3 Permission Denied

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Oct 17, 2018 · Just follow the each step and you will get it fixed: 1) Op

Apr 30, 2013 · I am using SSH on Filezilla and WinSCP. If I try to write

in the folder I get «Error: /opt/vmpro/Wavs/test: open for write: permission denied» I can also not change the permissions using Filezilla. I can transfer files to /opt/vmpro/Wavs/Custom, because it has write permissions for all, but I need it in the Wavs folder.

e from server: Permission denied Request Code: 3

SFTP error #3 permission denied — Quick Resolution!!

We always suggest our customers to transfer files via SFTP due to its securi

ty features. However, we have come across many errors related to SFTP. One among them one is SFTP error #3 permission denied. We’ve seen this error occurring due to problem with the permissions or due to file transfer resume option. Among these both, the most common cause is permission error.

error code 3 :: Support Forum :: WinSCP

Oct 26, 2011 · WinSCP is a free SFTP, SCP, Amazon S3, WebDAV, and FTP cli

How To Fix Winscp Error Code 3 Permission Denied (Solved)

This is giving me a very hard time testing our reports as I WinSCP includes

the server-side description in its minute: Sign up WinSCP: Permission denied. You may have to register before you can am hosting a …

Browse other questions tagged permission-denied winscp or ask your own quest

ion. The Overflow Blog Level Up: Linear Regression in Python – Part 1

Dec 29, 2019 · In this video we will see how to send files Winscp to ec2

Apr 06, 2017 · WinSCP is a free SFTP, SCP, Amazon S3, WebDAV, and FTP cli

Quick way to fix EC2 WinSCP permission denied error

Before proceeding further, let’s get a quick idea on WinSCP and EC2 instan

ce. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloudforms the central part of Amazon’s cloud-computing solutions. In today’s world of cloud hosting, its a normal practice to set up servers and websites on cloud instances. Naturally, there is a need to transfer files to these EC2 instances too. Although Amazon EC2 support many access methods, WinSCP remains a popular choice. The primary requirement of users will be to just transfer the files to the instance a…

How To Fix Winscp Error 3 Permission Denied (Solved)

jcettison Posts 41 Posts 08/09/2009,11:10 PM #9 If all else fails 08/10/2009

,08:48 PM #11 Originally Posted by MLJones8 Could you be a little more specific?

Jun 03, 2017 · 腾讯云-解决Winscp permission denied的问题. 刚刚�

��册完腾讯云,因为要用来跑作业代码,所以操作系统选择的Ubuntu 16.04 32位. 用Winscp登陆之后出现了错误代码为3的permission denied的错误,不能创建路径,也不能上传文件

What you need? OpenSSHWinSCPJailbroken DeviceThis is always the Path/private/

var/mobile/Applications/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/app. appVisit us at …

Quick video to show you how to enable COMPLETE management via WinSCP. Comman

ds at the bottom of this description. If you’ve no idea what I’m talking about, Wi.

May 21, 2019 · The text was updated successfully, but these errors were e

Jul 18, 2013 · Find answers to File permission when uploading in WinSCP?

from the expert community at Experts Exchange

Discussion Forums > Category: Compute > Forum: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

(EC2) > Thread: WinSCP ‘permission denied’ upon file transfer attempt Search Forum : Advanced search options WinSCP ‘permission denied’ upon file transfer attempt

Yea, it runs fine in the GUI. I can also run synchronize from command line m

anually, but have permission problems on most files and folders even though they are set to full access on both machines. I’m assuming because some of them are open, but most are not, so I’m confused. – nohupt Dec 2 ’18 at 3…

Nov 18, 2008 · WinSCP is an open source free SFTP, FTP and SCP client for

I have been able to transfer/overwrite a file Winscp Permission Denied Raspb

erry Pi WinSCP, but nothing changed. So the dir is /var/www/dir1 you should do The first way is to change the permissions on such as Drag & Drop and Endurance but nothing made any difference.

Jan 15, 2016 · AFAIK you can’t do that. What I did at my place of work, i

s transfer the files to your home (

Mar 16, 2015 · 2) I was and always used WinSCP v3.3.0 & v3.7.6 but I rece

ntly noticed quite a few posts that pointed to a bug with the earlier version (jpg win3.3.0) therefore I tried the latest WinSCP which did not resolve the Permission denied issue, so I stuck with WinSCP 3.5.5 which fixed that bug.

It may help to check log file of your server to see an actual reason, it den

ied you an access. Permission denied. You do not have a sufficient permissions (access rights) to a resource, such as a file or directory, to perform the operation. You should contact the server administrator to resolve the problem.

Nov 25, 2015 · Whenever you tries to login server using WinSCP with accou

nt other than root user and tries to upload files from your local to server you may came across such ‘Permission Denied – Cann…

Apache/Flask: Permission denied writing to /var/www even though the folders

are set to 777 0 Ubuntu 20.04 server installation on VirtualBox with Windows 10 Shared folder permission issue

Jan 21, 2017 · I’m using WinSCP to upload and download files to my openha

b2 (#743) on a raspberry pi 3. Becaus I’ve had problems I copied a backup-image-file on the sd-card of my pi and after booting I did a complete system update. (…

Lets see if we can figure this out, I haven’t seen this exact issue, I also

don’t have an AWS sub, so its going to be hard for me to test. first, can you update to the latest WinSCP PowerShell Module Version,, you are quite a few versions behind.

Nov 20, 2020 · Open CLI for the session you have on winscp; Go to the fol

The file might not have read permissions as it is delivered to the destinati

Nov 02, 2018 · If the problem persists, turn off setting permissions or p

reserving timestamp. Alternatively you can turn on ‘Ignore permission errors’ option. Permission denied.

connection denied EC2 Tag

Apr 17, 2019 · How to fix FTP permission denied errors on Google Cloud 20

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오류 코드:3 서버의 오류 메시지:사용 권한이 거부 됨 (1) �

��더에 대한 사용 권한을 만들지 않았을 수 있습니다. 따라서 WinSCP는 전송할 임시 파일을 만들지 못합니다. 두 가지 옵션이 있습니다.

Apr 15, 2016 · Using Only 3 out of 4 wires on 220 wire run Should we play

the A right hand during full measure, or should we stop playing it in the rest of the measure once the left hand is playing it? Compute the size of intersections of sets

Before proceeding further, let’s get a quick idea on WinSCP and EC2 instan

ce. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloudforms the central part of Amazon’s cloud-computing solutions. In today’s world of cloud hosting, its a normal practice to set up servers and websites on cloud instances. Naturally, there is a need to transfer files to these EC2 instances too. Although Amazon EC2 support many access methods, WinSCP remains a popular choice. The primary requirement of users will be to just transfer the files to the instance a…

May 02, 2018 · Far Manager, version 3.0 (build 5100) x64 NetBox Version 2

If you work on a team or hire outside vendors, giving users access to your s

ystem with the appropriate level of permissions is critical. In my next article, we’ll use WinSCP to upload an EC2 private key file (.pem) to our server, and use it to create a new user whose only job is to secure access to our Web server’s public_html directory.

Jun 17, 2016 · ] PHPでファイルを作成しようとすると画像�

�ようにエラーが出ます。 権限をどのようにすれば作成、上書きができるようになるでしょうか? 具体的な解決方法と手順をご教授頂ければと思います。よろしくお願いします。 環境 windows 10 64bit virtualbox

Aug 15, 2016 · Hi, we are trying to upload license files to the CMS serve

Feb 24, 2016 · However, one of the drives failed and I had to replace it

Obviously you have problems with permissions on server, whereas you might no

I created cyberark user on the target server. gave root permission to the us

ers who created it. cyberarkuser ALL=(ALL) ALL in /etc/sudoers file. However, it is not possible to copy the file when logging in with winscp using this user.

Oct 26, 2006 · I have installed a new VMware ESX 3.01 server and connecte

d it to the SAN box. A dedicated SAN area has been prepared with VMFS3 to hold VM’s to be used for migration from 3 others ESX 2.52 servers. If I connect to ESX3 using WinSCP and …

Error Opening TFTP (Permission Denied) | Toolbox Tech

Aug 20, 2009 · How big is the file? I believe the older versions of tftp

could only handle 50MB. Or if you have a firewall between the two, is the ip address of the device allowed?

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What is the wincp permission denied error code 3?

Winscp Permission Denied Error Code 3 Ubuntu the ShowConfig before Sitecore finishes initializing? This error may be used locally, but as solved. Uploading a file to it only uses SSH_FXP_OPEN. the error code 3. Cannot create find the file specified.

Is there an error in Stack Overflow WinSCP?

Why is my EC2 wincp permission denied error?

Usually, a major share of EC2 WinSCP permission denied errors occur due to bad configuration settings. And, in such cases an attempt tp transfer a file results in the following error: 2. User IP block at EC2 instance Again, users IP address blocked at the EC2 instance can also be a reason for permission denied error.

How to transfer permission denied Raspberry Pi WinSCP?

I have been able to transfer/overwrite a file Winscp Permission Denied Raspberry Pi WinSCP, but nothing changed. So the dir is /var/www/dir1 you should do The first way is to change the permissions on such as Drag & Drop and Endurance but nothing made any difference. Is it correct to say "There are log file showing the problem.

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