Top 5 Ways to Fix Windows 10 Store Error Code 0X80072EE7

Microsoft forum and other tech forums are littered with the Windows 10 Store error code 0X80072EE7 issue after Window upgrade. Microsoft Windows 10 Store may stop working and prompt with the error code 0X80072EE7 and the error message «The server has stumble» or «We couldn’t connect to the server» when you want to use Microsoft Windows Store to download Windows 10 App. What’s more, the Windows store may tell you that there is no Internet available whereas your computer is 100% connected to the network.

Why Does the Windows 10 Store Error Code 0X80072EE7 Occur

The error code 0x80072ee7 can appear any time while trying to use or download an APP from the Windows Store. There are several main reasons why the 0x80072ee7 error code occurs and cause the Window 10 Store not working each time you try connecting to Windows Store.

Corrupt Windows system files.

Network configuration errors.

Corrupt Windows Registry.

Virus or Malware infection.

Faulty Windows 10 drivers.

How to Fix the Windows 10 Store Error Code 0X80072EE7

To get rid of the Windows 10 Store 0x80072ee7 error, you can try below 3 effective solutions to get the Windows Store back into normal App downloading function.

1. Run SFC Command to Windows Store Error Code 0X80072EE7 on Windows 10

This is could be the simplest trick you can try to troubleshoot corrupted System file(s) which may result in Windows 10 Microsoft Windows Store 0X80072EE7 error code.

Step 1. Press the Windows shortcut keysWin + X and select Command Prompt(Admin).

Step 2. Type «SFC/scannow» after a blinking cursor before hitting the Enter key.

Note: Make sure you put a space between «sfc» and the slash.

Step 3. The tool will then start running to check and fix all corrupt system files.

Step 4. Reboot your computer after the check completes to see whether the error code 0x80072ee7 persists on Windows 10 Store.

2. Check Your Network for Windows 10 Store Error Code 0X80072EE7

The 0x80072ee7 error code on Windows 10 Store can be caused by the unstable network connection or the incorrect configuration of DNS servers settings. Ensure your network is free from weak WiFi signal or other network connection issues and define the DNS server setting.

Step 1. Right click the network icon in the notification area and choose «Open Network and Sharing Center”.

windows-10-store-error-code - 0x80072ee7.png

Step 2. Select your currently using network and choose Properties.

Step 3. Scroll down to find the » internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)» and double-click it.

Step 4. Choose Use the following DNS Server addresses under the General tab.

Step 5. Set the Preferred DNS Server to and Alternate DNS Server to (These are free-to-use that Google’s DNS Servers offers)

Step 6. Hit OK to save changes.

Now try using the Windows Store again and the error code 0x80072ee7 with the error prompt «The server has stumble» should be gone on Windows 10 if it is caused by the problematic network connection.

3. Re-register Windows Store to Fix Windows 10 Store Error Code 0X80072EE7

Registering Windows Store package has been reported as an effective fix to solve the Windows Store 0X80072EE7 error by some users.

Step 1. Type cmd into the search box.

cmd. png

Step 2. Choose Command Prompt and Run as an administrator.

Step 3. Run the following PowerShell command:

Step 4. Wait for the command to run and then close the command prompt and restart system once done.

Then you should open the Windows Store to check if the 0X80072EE7 problem has solved.

4. Update Windows Graphics Drivers to Tackle Windows 10 App Store 0X80072EE7 Error Code

Windows 10 Store 0X80072EE7 error code problem could be related to the computer display since the graphics drivers or software compatibility issue may appear due to the Windows Operating System Upgrade, resulting in system inner issues like blue screen, Low FPS, black screen, Windows 10 Store error code 0X80072EE7 and more. In this case, all you need is to update the display drivers. To save your time and energy, you can use a professional driver troubleshooters, like Driver Talent. Trusted by over 3,000,000 people, over 200 countries and areas, it could download and install the official and WHQL video/graphics drivers automatically and fix the 0X80072EE7 error in Windows 10 Store. All the drivers are safe and well tested.

The driver troubleshooter is available via the Download button above. And here’s how to update your graphics drivers and get access to your Windows 10 Store without the 0x80072ee7 error message.

Step 1. Click Scan to detect the outdated, missing or broken graphics/display/video drivers.

Step 2. Click Update/Repair to download and install the best-matched graphics driver updates.


Step 3. Reboot the computer to make the new drivers take effects.

5. Scan Virus/Malware to Repair 0X80072EE7 Error Code for Windows Store

The 0x80072ee7 error code could also occur when you use Windows 10 Microsoft Windows Store owing to the attacks from the viruses or malware that hide in your system. To avoid that possibility, you can make a thorough scanning for your Windows 10 desktop or laptop.

That’s all for the Windows 10 Store error code 0X80072EE7 fixes. If you know more workarounds to resolve 0x80072ee7 error code for Microsoft Windows Store on Windows 10, do share with us in the comment section below or go to the OStoto official forum for further discussion. For further technical support, please turn to the left menu on the page.

FIX: Update error 0x80072ee7 on Windows 10

Windows 10‘s infamous update issues are something every user has to deal with at least once. It would be ideal if there’s one single issue because we’ll know the solution for sure.

However, that’s not the case, as various update issues tend to appear from time to time. In this article, we’re going to talk about a common Windows Update issue that comes with the error code 0x80072ee7.

This problem can appear in various situations, but most frequently when you’re trying to install a new major update for Windows 10 (Anniversary Update, Creators Update, etc.).

Error code 0x80072ee7 can cause many problems on your PC, and speaking of this error, these are some common issues that users reported:

So, if you’ve recently encountered these problems, they need to be addressed as soon as possible, because installing major updates for Windows 10 is highly advisable.

How can I fix update error 0x80072ee7 on Windows 10?

1. Change the DNS server address

According to Microsoft’s community forums, changing the DNS server address is the solution that proved to be helpful for the majority of users.

So, that’s the workaround we’re going to try first. Here’s what you need to do:

Now, try to update Windows 10 again, if the problem still persists, try some of the solutions listed below.

2. Run SFC scan

Windows 10 (and any previously-released version of Windows, as well) has a built-in error-checking tool, called SFC scan. This tool deeply scans your computer for possible problems, in order to resolve them.

This tool can also be helpful when resolving Windows Update issues.

Here’s what you need to do to perform the SFC scan in Windows 10:

Once the DISM scan is finished, check if the problem is resolved. If the issue is still there, or if you couldn’t run SFC scan before, be sure to repeat the SFC scan and check if that helps.

Learn more about the System File Checker by reading this guide.

3. Run the WUReset script

The WUReset script is a custom-made script specifically designed for resolving update problems in Windows 10.

This script does some of the most common workarounds for Windows Update issues, like resetting the Windows Update process, deleting the SoftwareDistribution folder, etc.

Therefore, it saves you time and effort, as you don’t have to perform these actions by yourself.

To find out more about the WURest script, and download it, check out this article.

4. Edit the hosts file

According to users, sometimes error code 0x80072ee7 can appear if your host’s file is altered. Several users reported IP addresses in their host’s file, and according to them, these addresses caused the problem.

Run a System Scan to discover potential errors

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To fix the issue, simply remove or comment out those addresses by adding the # symbol at the beginning that line. Modifying the host’s file can be tricky, so some caution is advised.

In addition, many users reported Access denied message when editing hosts file. This is not a big problem, and it can be easily resolved. Once you fix your host’s file, check if the problem is still there.

5. Check your antivirus software

In some cases, error code 0x80072ee7 can appear if there’s an issue with your antivirus software. Sometimes your antivirus software can interfere with your system and cause this error to appear.

To fix the problem, it’s advised to disable certain antivirus features and check if that helps. If that doesn’t help, you might want to try disabling your antivirus completely.

Even if you disable your antivirus, Windows 10 comes with Windows Defender that acts as a default antivirus, so there’s no need to worry about your safety.

If removing the antivirus software solves the issue, you might want to consider switching to a different antivirus solution.

6. Make sure that Windows Update and DNS Client services are running

Sometimes error code 0x80072ee7 can appear if Windows Update service isn’t running. Many features rely on this service, and if the service is disabled, you might encounter errors such as this one.

However, you can fix the issue simply by following these steps:

After doing that, check if the problem is resolved. Keep in mind that you might have to restart your PC to apply changes.

Many users reported that DNS Client service can cause this problem as well. Simply follow the instructions above and enable DNS Client service.

Once you do that, the issue should be permanently resolved.

7. Remove problematic applications

Sometimes third-party applications can interfere with your system and cause this issue to appear. In fact, several users reported that certain registry cleaner software caused this issue.

To fix the problem, you need to find the problematic application and remove it manually. There are several ways to remove an application, but the best one is to use uninstaller software.

In case you’re not familiar, uninstaller software is a special application that can remove any program, along with its files and registry entries, from your PC.

If you want to completely remove a certain application from your PC, uninstaller software might be the best choice for you.

There are many great uninstaller applications, but one of the best is IOBit Uninstaller, so we strongly recommend to try it out. Once you find and remove the problematic application, check if the problem is resolved.

Searching for the best uninstalling tool? Look no further! Check our fresh list!

8. Change registry permissions

According to users, sometimes your registry might not be properly configured, and that can cause this issue to appear. To fix the problem, you need to change certain permissions by following these steps:

After doing that, check if the problem is resolved.

That’s about it, we hope at least one of these solutions helped you to resolve the error code 0x80072ee7 in Windows 10. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to let us know in the comments below.

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https://www. drivethelife. com/windows-10/fix-windows-10-store-error-code-0x80072ee7.html

https://windowsreport. com/windows-10-update-error-0x80072ee7/

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