How to fix Warzone; Modern Warfare Diver Error 6 Code

How to fix Warzone & Modern Warfare Diver Error 6 Code

Here’s how to fix Warzone and Modern Warfare’s Diver or Error 6 Code which has caused downloads to fail, locking players out of the game.

Warzone diver code 6 error

Call of Duty Warzone and Modern Warfare players have been unable to play thanks to the Diver or Error Code 6, but we’ve got some solutions to help you get back into Season 4 Verdansk.

The Warzone community appears to be reaching a boiling point in Season 4, with glitches and hackers ruining the experience for many. Some players haven’t even been able to launch the game with the Diver or Error 6 Code making an unfortunate return.

There are some solutions to the error, so we’ve detailed them below to help you get back to playing Verdansk, Rebirth Island, or Modern Warfare multiplayer.

How to fix Code Diver 6 Error in Warzone & Modern Warfare

Call of Duty Warzone Season 4 Jackal operator

If you’re hit by the Diver or Code 6 Error in Modern Warfare or Warzone Season 4, you’ll be met with a screen telling you “Download Failed.” This is the root of the problem but fortunately, allows us to provide several fixes that should work.

Check the Warzone servers

This error code can often be caused by an issue with Warzone’s servers. Check out our Warzone server-status guide, and if there’s a problem, it’s worth waiting for the issue to be resolved by Raven Software.

If there isn’t a server issue, check out the following solutions.

Restart your router

warzone thrust engine bundle

The first thing you should try is restarting your router, as this could trigger your console or PC to begin the failed download.

Download the update through a hotspot / cellular data

If resetting your internet didn’t work, you can try downloading the update through cellular data. Players have reported that this works for some reason, so it’s worth a try. However, you could rack up high data charges so we only recommend trying this if you’re desperate.

Reinstall Warzone and Modern Warfare

Park Firing the Fara 83 in Warzone

Unfortunately, the last solution we recommend is completely reinstalling Warzone / Modern Warfare. This will give a fresh install of Warzone and should be completely free of the Diver or Code 6 Error.

Warzone and Modern Warfare has a huge file size, so redownloading the game will likely take some time. But hopefully, you’ll be able to play battle royale and multiplayer with no issues afterward.

We’re fast approaching Warzone Season 5, so you can check out the leaked artwork and its release date.

Image Credit: Activision

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

How to fix Warzone & Modern Warfare’s Error Code 65538

Here’s how you can fix Error Code 65538 which keeps you from joining online games in Modern Warfare and Warzone.

Firing the EM2 in Warzone and Modern Warfare

Various Warzone and Modern Warfare players have had to deal with Error Code 65538 which ruins their online multiplayer experience, and here’s how you can get around it.

When you hop into a match of Warzone or Modern Warfare, you’ll get to test your skills in combat against other players and have fun with friends. However, sometimes getting online can be complicated.

You might encounter certain factors that prevent you from joining an online game. One of these is Error Code 65538, which has been causing problems for Warzone and Modern Warfare players.

Here’s how you can fix this error and join an online game.

How to fix Error Code 65538 in Modern Warfare and Warzone

Error Code 65538 in Modern Warfare

This Error Code appears in a message which tells you that you’re currently unable to access online services in Warzone and Modern Warfare. You’ll get kicked out of the lobby during the matchmaking process.

It mainly happens when there’s an issue with either your Internet connection or the Activision servers. You may also encounter it if your device isn’t set in the right timezone or the game needs to update.

Depending on the cause, there are different workarounds that you can try for Error Code 65538 in Modern Warfare and Warzone.

Check your Internet connection

cod warzone gameplay

If you’re having trouble joining an online match then the first thing you should try is refreshing your network connection. Simply turn your device off and back on again, to see if it fixes the issue.

Alternatively, you can also leave a game and rejoin it. It’s worth checking that nobody is using the Internet for bandwidth-heavy activities while you’re playing. Take a look at your connection speed to see if there’s a problem.

Reset your region or timezone

operators in warzone

You might not be able to enter an online match because your device is set in the wrong region or timezone. In that case, you’ll need to readjust both of those in the device settings.

Here’s how you can reset your region or timezone on Xbox:

If you play Warzone and Modern Warfare on PlayStation or Windows, then you can only change your region by creating a new account.

Check for Modern Warfare and Warzone updates

captain price in Call of Duty

Modern Warfare and Warzone players sometimes encounter Error Code 65538 due to pending updates. You can check if you have any before downloading and installing them. Once that’s done, simply restart your device and try joining a match again.

While updates are usually automatically installed, they can be halted due to storage issues. if that’s the case, then you should try clearing up space in your device in the storage settings.

Check the status of the Activision servers

If the solutions above haven’t fixed the problem then you might be seeing Error Code 65538 simply because of an issue with the servers. Luckily, there’s a useful tool for checking the server status.

You might also see this Error Code if you’ve been suspended for violating the rules. In that scenario, all you can do is wait it out until Activision give you your account back.

For more Modern Warfare and Warzone fixes, you can check out our fix for the missing friends list glitch.

Image Credits: Raven Software / Activision

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Warzone players beg for major buffs to Modern Warfare Assault Rifles

Black Ops Cold War’s Assault Rifles continue to dominate Warzone’s meta, and players are calling for Raven to buff the Modern Warfare ARs.

cold war krig and modern warfare amax

Despite being the game’s original guns, the Modern Warfare weapons pale in comparison to Cold War’s guns in Warzone. So players want Raven to give MW’s guns a major buff in the near future.

Call of Duty: Warzone’s gameplay and meta completely changed once it was integrated with Treyarch’s Black Ops Cold War. The 80s guns and attachments were generally better and outperformed the Modern Warfare weapons.

As the battle royale shooter approaches Season 5, not too much has really changed. Many of the guns in our best Warzone guns list are ripped from Cold War, and Modern Warfare’s firearms continue to be overlooked. Players feel it’s time for Raven to set things straight and start handing out some buffs.

cold war guns

TetraVaal2154 is leading the charge for change and says: “For someone like myself, who only got into COD as recently as 2019 due to Modern Warfare and its revised emphasis on realistic gunplay, weapon animations like reloads and press checks, and all that sort of stuff that appeals to a gun nut like myself.

“Cold War comes along with its cr*ppy animations, unrealistic designs (an extended mag revolver with a suppressor, lolwut?), anachronistic attachments, and just an overall emphasis on cartoonish trash that had little to no imagination put into it whatsoever, and it threw off what made this game mode so appealing to me this time last summer.”

It’s true that Cold War has utilized guns and gear that don’t necessarily represent the era the game is trying to recapture. But in a game that has Blueprints allowing their gun to be a rocket or a dragon, realism isn’t always the name of the game.

The user continued to say that: “every CW rifle is a ‘meta’ compared to even the best MW rifles, and it’s made this game virtually unplayable for someone like myself.”

So it’s not even the hacking or other problems that had deterred the user, with the game’s imbalanced weapons clearly an issue for them.

There’s a good chance that all this could be a non-starter by November, with the expected release of Call of Duty: Vanguard set to shake things up.

A new WW2-themed battle royale map is apparently in the works, and if so, then it could signal the end for Verdansk and all the Cold War and Modern Warfare weapons anyway.

Image Credit: Activision / Raven Sofware / Treyarch

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

What packs are needed for Modern Warfare Multiplayer? Full list

Modern Warfare is a huge game that players need a lot of storage for. Luckily, players only need certain Modern Warfare packs to play Multiplayer.

Modern Warfare Multiplayer data packs

Knowing what data packs you need to download to play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s Multiplayer can be quite confusing, so we put together a list of what you need.

Call of Duty’s Multiplayer has been a fan favorite mode of the franchise pretty much since it was released, and although Modern Warfare isn’t the latest installment, players are still enjoying it.

With the Call of Duty games evolving every year, it’s only natural that the data needed is larger. Therefore, some players may be wondering what data packs they need solely for the Multiplayer mode.

What packs are needed for Modern Warfare Multiplayer?

modern warfare multiplayer packs

In recent history for the franchise, the developers have allowed players to pick and choose what data to download due to the huge amount of storage that the games take up.

This way, players who only play the Multiplayer can uninstall the data for the campaign and any other extra modes. This is great, as it prevents storage from being taken up modes you don’t play.

Luckily there isn’t much that players actually need to play Modern Warfare’s Multiplayer.

Here’s a list of all the Modern Warfare Multiplayer packs you need to have downloaded:

For those on Xbox One, you will need all three of the Modern Warfare Multiplayer packs mentioned above to run the Multiplayer mode.

For those on PC or PlayStation, you only need Data Pack 1 and the Multiplayer Pack 2 in order to run Modern Warfare’s Multiplayer.

So, for those who are either bored of Warzone like some popular streamers have been lately, you may want to head back over to the classic Multiplayer and give the new CX-9 SMG a try. With that being said, these are the data packs you’ll need to do so.

For more on Call of Duty, stay tuned on Charlie INTEL and check out our article on players debating whether the CX-9 is overpowered or not.

Как исправить ошибку «не удается подключиться к онлайн-сервисам» в Call of Duty: Warzone?

Call of Duty: Warzone прошла долгий путь с момента его выпуска в начале 2020 года. Хотя кое-где все еще могут быть некоторые проблемы, негативно влияющие на игровой процесс, они не приблизятся к ошибкам сервера, которые даже не позволяют вам войти в игра.

Ошибка «Не удается подключиться к онлайн-сервисам» в Warzone обычно появляется при запуске игры или при попытке присоединиться к любому из многопользовательских режимов. Ошибка в основном связана с проблемами, связанными с сервером, которые возникают, когда Warzone переполняется волнами игроков. Каждый новый патч контента или сезонное событие могут привлечь больше игроков, чем обычно, и застать серверы врасплох.

Проверьте статус сервера Warzone

Измените свой DNS

Когда с серверами все в порядке, а вы по-прежнему не можете подключиться к онлайн-сервисам, вам нужно взять дело в свои руки.

Смена DNS на более доступный в продаже позволит вам устранить неполадки, чтобы увидеть, был ли DNS причиной ваших проблем.

Сбросьте ваш роутер

Изображение через Activision

Пока вы занимаетесь этим, также может быть хорошей идеей перезагрузить компьютер и маршрутизатор, чтобы исключить возможность сбоя программного обеспечения. Оба они должны быть снова в сети одновременно, так что вы будете покрывать больше баз, не тратя лишнего времени.

Обычно рекомендуется подождать от 20 до 30 секунд после выключения маршрутизатора, чтобы дать ему немного времени, чтобы он остыл.

Попробуйте переадресацию портов

Перенаправление портов было одним из самых распространенных способов снижения пинга в онлайн-играх в начале 2010-х годов. Потребность в перенаправлении портов уменьшилась, поскольку геймеры по всему миру получили доступ к более качественным и стабильным интернет-соединениям, но это все еще может быть полезно для исправления таких ошибок, как «невозможно подключиться к онлайн-сервисам».

Этот метод довольно продвинутый и требует определенного уровня технических знаний о вашем маршрутизаторе. Возможно, вы не захотите вдаваться в подробности, если у вас нет опыта работы с подобными настройками.

Вам нужно будет перемещаться по пользовательскому интерфейсу вашего маршрутизатора, чтобы установить следующие порты, и ваш процесс будет зависеть от типа и марки вашего модема.


Игровая приставка


Вы можете просмотреть руководство пользователя своего маршрутизатора и самостоятельно изменить порты или выполнить поиск в Google по руководству, адаптированному для марки вашего модема.

Свяжитесь с Activision и вашим интернет-провайдером

В случаях, когда переадресация портов, похоже, не решает проблему для вас, корни ошибки могут быть глубже, чем вы думаете. Вам понадобится помощь профессионалов для дальнейшего изучения проблемы. Activision и ваш интернет-провайдер будут готовы выяснить, что удерживает вас подальше от серверов.

Прежде чем прибегать к этому шагу, вы можете попробовать подключиться к Warzone со своими мобильными данными. Включите на телефоне функцию точки доступа и подключитесь к нему через Wi-Fi или общий доступ по USB. Если ошибка исчезла, это означает, что проблема может быть в домашнем подключении, и ваш интернет-провайдер может помочь вам решить эту проблему.

How to Fix Warzone Diver Error Code 6

Warzone Diver Error Code 6

So, how can we fix diver error code 6? | © Activision

Warzone is known for its bugs and glitches, and recently, the notorious Diver Error, otherwise known as Error Code 6. We take a look at the Diver Error, what it is, and how you can fix it to jump straight back into Warzone as quickly as possible. Let’s not waste any more time, it’s time to Diver on in.

We apologize for the many bad jokes you will have to witness in this article. Contrary to what you may believe, the Diver Error is no laughing matter. It is breaking many people’s games, it is causing a tremendous amount of hardship, and it is bringing multiple tears to our eyes. Let’s take a look.

What is the Warzone Diver Error Code 6?

Warzone experiences the Diver Error, or Error Code 6, when a download has failed to properly complete. The game will display the error, and won’t work as intended. When this happens, don’t you fear. EarlyGame is here. That was a nice rhyme now, wasn’t it?

The Diver Error Code pops up on your screen in the form of an on-screen message, and whilst it may be tempting to punch your television or computer screens, we ask that you refrain. Yet again, we’ve got you.

How To Fix the Warzone Diver Error Code

What if it still doesn’t work?

Well, folks, there you have it: how to fix Warzone Diver Error Code 6. It has been known to mainly be caused by problems with your internet router, and thus these fixes mainly focus on modem-related solutions. They do sometimes work, but as usual, not always. Considering this, be patient, and try contacting Raven Software and Activision.

If you have trouble with other Warzone Error Codes, maybe we can help you:

Check out MyEarlyGame for a free and customizable experience. Get engaged on Twitter and Facebook.


https://charlieintel. com/warzone-diver-code-6-error/119370/

https://device4game. ru/%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BA-%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8C-%D0%BE%D1%88%D0%B8%D0%B1%D0%BA%D1%83-%D0%BD%D0%B5-%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%81%D1%8F-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%BA/

https://www. earlygame. com/call-of-duty/how-to-fix-warzone-diver-error-code-6/

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